Why should YOGABHYASA (the practice of yoga) be done?

Just as in order to climb the holy and spiritually benediction fulfilling Tirupati hill in India one has to climb step by step and only at the end does one achieve darsanam of the swami and experience happiness, similarly everyone who follows the path of yoga śāstra (ancient body of eternal wisdom) has to climb the eight steps of yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi proceeding according to the given order. Whoever climbs these eight steps proceeding according to the regular order will experience bliss.

Sometimes, in other activities, one has to wait until the end to experience the benefits of the action. This is not so in yogabhyasa. There are benefits at every stage of the practice. From practising only asana, one gains strength of the body; from the practice of only the yama, one develops compassion towards all living beings; from practising only pranayama, it is possible to achieve long life and good health and so on. 

If one follows ahimsa (non violence) satya (truth), astheya (non stealing), aparigraha (non possessive-ness), and brahmacharya (self restraint), systematically without fail, one develops a relationship of affection and compassion not just for other people but equally for all living beings.

This attitude of perceiving all living beings with total impartiality (equality) is essential for the welfare of society.

The five niyama (internal observances) are sauca (cleanliness), santosha (contentment, satisfaction), tapas (spiritually purifying austerities), svadhyaya (self-study and especially the recitation of the Vedas and other sacred texts), as well as isvara pranid-hana (fixing the mind on the surpreme being). If one follows them as krama (go step by step) , then riots, anger, hatred and aversion will become illusory and will slowly disappear from society. When such attitudes disappear from society, we develop purity both internally and in our environments which leads to reforms without any obstacles and to the growth of the highest constant state of peace and tranquility.

Is there anybody who does not wish to be in a state of peace and societal fortitude. These two issues are essential for families to live in a state of content-ment. Nowadays (in the present), these two factors are lacking. This has led to quarrels and discord between father and son, govt’s and citizens, husband and wife which in turn has resulted in an inferior state of life. 

YOGABHYASA is not only a path for bringing one’s consciousness and body into one’s purest form yet is a supreme type of social work that if everyone adopted would bring total upliftment of humanity as well as world peace. 

jayaprada radhika