With a 20 year background in ballet, 15 years of intensive daily asana and yogic practices, plus ten years of martial arts, Radhika teaches from a deeply intuitive place drawing on a lifetime of body work. 

Particularly passionate about self mastery and showing people mind is the only limitation and that all energies can be alchemised into strength, energy and inspiration with the right tools of alchemy, intention and will power.

After many years of intensive study of Patanjalis Ashtanga yoga path under the guidance of Sri Arya Ramesh Sheeti, disciple of BNS Iyenger in the discipline succession of Krishnamacaraya, and Swami Byrne disciple of Swami Muktananda from the SIDDHA linage wher he taught ashtanga on Muktanandas wrold tours int he 70’s then later living with Jnana masters in the Himalayas Radhika was exposed to aspects of breath and mysticism that informs her teaching. She later went on to study the advanced Yogic philosophy pertaining to Bhakti Vedantic conclusions (essence of the entire Vedanta) in the Holy land Vrindavan, India.

After some time also studying Tantric breath work in the Himalayas, she was instructed by the baba she was learning from, to teach his classes for him which continued for three months before leaving India, where she gained experience teaching the essence of Bhagavad vedanta, mantra and tantric breath work to broader demographics.  

One highlight of her extensive yoga journey has been living in temples and ashrams for five years as a Bramacarini (Female, celibate student of the vedas), to then receive diksa initiation by her Guru His Holiness Bhakti Charu Swami. This particular part of her journey is what later became one of her main inspirations for developing the Kalpana Radhika yoga curriculum where the science of the soul is explored. Here the ancient and timeless teachings of Yogas roots are presented in a progressive, relevant and contemporary style. 

Before developing Kalpāna Radhika Yoga school and hosting over 47 successful Yoga Alliance accredited Yoga Teacher Trainings and retreats worldwide including countries Bali, Thailand, Peru, India, and Mexico she held roles in Oceana as the leading yoga therapist for New Zealand’s Olympic athletes and ran courses for The Australian federal police. She has published written articles in Bhakti yoga magazines, Om Yoga magazine (How to deal with stored emotions an baggage surfacing during a Yoga teacher Training).

Interest in music, movement, healing and wellness lead her to complete a Diploma in Music (JMC, Melbourne), Raw Food chef certification (Seeds of life, Bali), Reiki 1,2,3 and masters levels (USUI), certification as an Instructor of Body Combat (Les Mills), Ballet Teaching accreditation (R.A.D and Cechetti), and Modern Dance Teaching accreditation (American Academy of modern dance, Advanced level Honours with Distinction).

With her studies into Yoga and research into correlations between quantum physics and yogas timeless teachings, she was drawn to study a Bachelor of science at Canterbury University in N.Z with the goal of reaching more people with yogas teachings by linking modern science with ancient wisdom. With just six months from completion, she was placed on the NZ Governments official list of Refugees when the 2010 earthquakes hit Christchurch demolishing her birth town, including her house, and University. This twist in fate was a major catalyst for her mission in inspiring others from around the globe.

Radhika is currently living in Nadia, Navadwip West Bengal, India the ashram and temple of of her late Gurumaharaj, where she continues deepening her studies within the realm of classical tantra and yoga.


Mantra Schultz is the creator and founder of Flex Hot Yoga. He has dedicated his life to the practice, living, and teaching of yoga. Mantra’s yoga journey began over 25 years ago when, as a teenage boy, his search for meaning and truth led him to the bhakti yoga temple of Melbourne. This sparked an odyssey of dharma, which would lead Mantra to Indian ashrams and other parts of the globe to learn and fully immerse himself in the art and science of yoga.

His breadth of knowledge and experience, and the passion he brings to his teaching, are truly unique. He was top of the class in his Bhakti Sastri studies in India. Mantra also holds a 1st-degree Black Belt in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, is a six-time Australian champion, and multiple Pan Pacific Champion in this martial art form. As a yoga teacher trainer, Mantra has certified hundreds of yoga teachers, many of whom are known to be the best yoga teachers in Australia.

As a teacher, his style is fun and insightful with a healthy dose of strength and challenge. An exceptional vedic philosophy and eastern music exponent, Mantra is truly a master of much and brings a diverse and mulitfaceted honed and innate strength base to his offerings as a teacher and guide.


Govinda Dev Das, Jesús Qcori-Malki Mendoza Englberger is a true world citizen born in Perú, educated in Germany, but raised in the Indian Gaudiya Vaishnava Tradition.

He travels the world teaching and inspiring by sharing his vast experience and insight into how the world can gain from the timeless knowledge available in the Vedas.

His keen interest in culture, history, sociology, ecology and politics enriches his presentations giving it a practical and visionary outlook at how a better future can be shaped.

He choose to enter into the life of aBrahmachary-Monk at the age of 19. Spending the next 8 years studying and practicing Bhagavad Philosophy and lifestyle. His main passion since his early childhood has been the arcana process of Temple worship at which he excelled in his years as a monk.

In 2007 he started travelling with The Festiwal Indii Summer tours by Fundacja VIVA Kultura in the Baltic sea and later Magic India Brazil Tour. There he engaged his acting, singing and dancing talents. This gave him also the chance to learn light & sound technology and stage & event management.

In the auspicious day of, Krishna Janmastami, 2009 he received harinam and dikshaInitiations from his Spiritual Master Srila Indradyumna Swami the founder, leader and inspiration of the Festivals of India tours.

He is also a very talented experimental artist, interpreting traditional Orissan and South Indian iconography in a unique way in paintings, tattoos and designs. Also he is experienced with wood art, carving and construction of altars and temple paraphernalia. He also loves to restore Temple Deities and has undertaken a few major projects for the Berlin and Prague Temples.

But above all he is a natural leader, resulting in him becoming the Temple President and Head Priest at Simhachalam The oldest Rural Ecological Temple Community of The International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) in Germany, at the young age of 26.

Fluent in Spanish, German and English he also converses well in Portuguese and knows basic French. This gives him experience as simultaneous interpreter between this languages. Still he is generally a quiet person but if you ask him a Question be sure he will give you a detailed and profound answer.

Now he teaches Yoga philosophy, The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali and Yoga Anatomy at the Yoga Teacher Trainings of Kalpana Radhika Yoga.


Vedic priest and scholar, Sarvananda Gauranga has been a full time monk studying and teaching the essence of bhagavad vedanta in temples throughout India for 3 decades. He is expert at his articulation of these topics and has been specialising in teaching the depth of this ancient wisdom for 15 years to groups on yoga teacher trainings.