Our Yoga Alliance accredited Teacher Training Immersions, are results driven with carefully mapped out curriculum to support each individuals specific level and needs.
We understand that in one group there can be many varying levels of practcioners and we run by the motto that knowone is 'better or worse' than anyone else. We have all just placed different ammount of time and energy into different things.
As previously mentioned each individual is given their own variations and access points to each asana for optimum progress in a supportive, uplifting and fun environment.
Our 200 hr programmes are results driven with a focus on mindful movement mastery, optimum alignment and breath, with a unique inversion focus and revolutionary teachings in yogic philosophy.
Restorative Yoga
Adjustment classes
Teaching workshops
Power Vinyasa sequencing
Tantric breath / pranayama practices
Inversion / Handstand / Strength workshops
Yogic diet
Sattvic living
Self Mastery
Nature of mind
Debunking yogic myths
Essential human physiology
Functional Human Anatomy
Respiratory system and its functions
States of conciousness and meditation
Principles of Yoga therapy and healing
Yoga as therapy (benefits/contraindications and therapeutic use of asanas).
In a supportive environment physical and spiritual dimensions of Yoga are taught in an accessible format. Yogas vast and timeless philosophical teachings are a focus on the programme and If presented optimally this ancient knowledge can be as inspiring as it is life changing providing fresh perspective to enhance the life experience.
Your foundation practice each morning is Vinyasa level 1 / 2 suitable for all levels due to individualised attention and support given to each individual. Variations and preparatory postures will be shown as well as the full expression of the postures so that each practicioner has a framework to practice optimally within. Handstand transitions throughout the sequence are also taught and are optional. There is a 1.5hr handstand / arm balance /conditioning workshop daily as well as a 1.5 hr adjustment and alignment class both to support safe and optimum progress.
Methodology consists of learning practical hands on adjustments of asana and developing your empowered voice as a teacher and guide. You will have the opportunity to teach daily and develop your own creative sequence.
You will learn how to create freedom in your breathe to access and remove tension, and how the correlation between alignment and ability to breath optimally are essential in yogic practice.
Meditation is taught with a focus on breath awareness during the physical practice to make each yoga class a moving meditation. This helps prepare the mind and body for seated meditation and pranayama. You will also be introduced to Mantra meditation and soon healing through Gong baths and other meditative sound.
Koshas / Pranic bodies
Prana and higher evolution
Illness and elemental imbalance
Different pranas and their functions
Regulation and rebalancing of prana
Chakras / Nadis and correct flow of Prana
Phychical energy centers and function of Prana
Heating, cooling & balancing pranayama techniques
Blockage Release work / practice and understanding
The power of Mantra
Philosophy (Bhagavad)
Yoga sutras – Aphorisms of Patanjali
Ashtanga: The eight limb path -Patanjali
The theory of Karma and freedom (Bhagavad)
Devolution of elements according to Samkhya philosophy
Different paths of Yoga:
Jnana Yoga
Karma Yoga
Bhakti Yoga