Breath,consciousness and my journey into Raja Yoga.


Greetings and welcome. My hope in sharing this depth of some of my background is to further inform potential students of their prospective teacher and to share this video to aid you in beginning an inspired journey into expanded perception and consciousness via the breath.

The corresponding video to the text can be found on the link following. It includes direct information relating to the title as opposed to my background shared here. Included is some small introductory practices (still challenging for many) to encourage optimum breath access (free-ing blockages in the breath body).

Some of you know my work more than others and I am sharing the following to give those thinking of studying with me more insight on my background which I haven’t really spoken of in this depth. 

I was introduced to re-birthing at 16 by my mum where we would do this every day as her bid to help me combat teenage growing pains. Not only did the re-birthing help me, combined with light therapy I began experiencing what I now understand as pineal activation/expansion. 

Nightly I was visited or could perceive light beings that informed me telepathically, they had been here my whole life, now It was my turn to see them. All various shapes & colors yet inter-dimensionary colours brighter and infused w powerful silver & gold hues. Then there was the dark energies like thick black dense clouds and it was like the light & the dark were fighting. It was wild like fireworks and black entities filling my room in a cosmic battle each night. I would also see a lot of blue sparkles around people growing up, mainly when the conversation or the heart space within an interaction met a certain frequency. Once I saw ethereal nagas (snakes) while babysitting at a ladies house who was into the occult. Only once, which gave me a glimpse at what my mum would see often in terms of ethereal creatures that she would educate me on. 

Through the breathwork I started perceiving auras, specific vibrations at certain places which corresponded to the same vibration as when the light beings went through me.

After completing my reiki masters I was communicating with peoples passed over loved ones, would perceive their voice, looks and such. Clients would cry confirming accuracy.

At that stage I was in the throes of my serious ashtanga and jnana yoga sādhānā & decided to stop reiki all together as I made the conscious choice to focus on one modality & become very grounded and proficient in it. I chose breath mastery and the exploration of consciousness via the eight fold Raja yoga system. 

When student is ready teacher will appear & I was so sincere In my quest for truth, understanding consciousness, God & general meaningfulness beyond superficial conversations & mundane daily life. So I attracted a jnana yoga master who lived in India 40 years teaching & touring with and for Swami muktananda of the Siddha / mystic yoga lineage before living with jnana masters in the Himalayas when they were still around.

He taught me aspects to breath I’ve never come across & I’m glad I had the foresight to dedicate morning noon and night for four years learning from him which consisted of being broken down, dismantled, shook, & slowly slowly put back together again. I would literally shake every time I went to the studio wondering what ‘approach’ would be used next to reveal what I needed to see. 

So it seemed the path of breath work was in my destiny because in the Himalayan foothills a baba asked me to teach the ashtanga method at his shala and I would partake in his kaivālya Tantra breath practices at night.  He then got me to teach this to the international groups as he really didn’t want to talk (his drive to share this was great yet his inclination to talk was not, after having focused primarily on kaivālya Tantra in very isolated caves for an unknown amount of years (Masters like this do not count time the way we do). 

For me yoga asana is not so valuable without cultivation of first proper & refined ujjayi, then bandha and energetic manipulation.

This video was made for some students and I felt to share as we can always learn to breathe better.

If you would like to learn more touch base via the link following.

Options for study are;

200hr YTT online; Start now (self pace)

300hr YTT online; Start May 17th (self pace)

🔺For a more personal touch over one month 

•Superpowered Soul Series 

•Relax, Release (resistance) and Rise.

(These two via application / limited availability) 

Also with a unique twist;

  1. Yogānga: to empower and strengthen the person to reach their utmost potential, through stylized Yoga practice(s).

  2. Iṣṭa devatā: which form of God, prayer and/or Yoga-practice to tap into one's inner guide.

  3. Which karmas are the heaviest and which practices will help overcome them.

  4. Dietary advice: which foods are hindering you healthwise, and how to allow your body to heal faster

Divined by one of the worlds top Jyotish/Vedic astrologers where we determine a very specific route of theraputics for each individual. 

‘For one who has mastered the breath, the fear of death is conquered’ ~Hatha Yoga pradipika.

I hope the video may prove helpful and thanks if you read this far!

Om namah shivāya. 

With love,
